So There's That Series

So There’s That Vol. 21

{Sort of like  a “Friday Five”  or a “Life Lately” except it’s probably not Friday, and I gave up on the idea of a catchy alliteration. These are some bits and pieces of my glam #postgradlife. See past posts HERE} 1. Baby Ego Most people who know me personally have heard me refer to Josh "my… Continue reading So There’s That Vol. 21

So There's That Series

So There’s That Vol. 18

{Sort of like  a “Friday Five”  or a “Life Lately” except it’s probably not Friday, and I gave up on the idea of a catchy alliteration. These are some bits and pieces of my glam #postgradlife. See past posts HERE} ********** This post should really be titled "What has been going on in Amanda's life for… Continue reading So There’s That Vol. 18

Life Notes

2015 Christmas in the Country Gift Reveal

Friends, I know I am not the only one who struggled a bit with the first full week back to work after the holidays. I knew that the Christmas in the Country Gift Reveal blog posts were going live this week but everyday after work I just couldn't bring myself to look at a computer… Continue reading 2015 Christmas in the Country Gift Reveal

So There's That Series

What’s Up Wednesday: August 2015

Oh hey, what's up? I'm excited to finally jump in on this fun link up! It happens the last Wednesday of every month with the same list of questions and is hosted by The Larson Lingo, Mix & Match Family and Pinterest Told Me To. What I’m Eating This Week… Normally I would not really have… Continue reading What’s Up Wednesday: August 2015

Life Notes

Loves + Hates

As I've ventured back into blogging, I've wondered whether or not I should engage with other bloggers. I blog primarily because I really like to write and share/scrapbook my life with my friends and family who enjoy keeping up with me. So there was never a negative thought towards engaging (because that is a huge part of blogging)… Continue reading Loves + Hates

So There's That Series

So There’s That: Vol. 6

{Sort of like  a “Friday Five” except it’s probably not Friday, and I gave up on the idea of a catchy alliteration. These are some bits and pieces of my glam #postgradlife.}   1. This has been on my mind a lot lately.  I stole this from a friend's Instagram. I revisited it about 5… Continue reading So There’s That: Vol. 6