
Third Work Anniversary and 10 Things I’ve Learned

I moved to the Washington D.C. area three years ago this week and as of today, I have been working for U.S. Wheat Associates for three years. Woah. I know it's super cliche to say, but some days it feels like I just arrived and other days I feel like I've been here much longer.… Continue reading Third Work Anniversary and 10 Things I’ve Learned

The Road I Traveled Series

The Road I Traveled: Meet Brian

“Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” – Robert Frost This series highlights young professionals and their stories, because no matter our path we all have a little to share and a lot to… Continue reading The Road I Traveled: Meet Brian

So There's That Series

So There’s That Vol. 15

{Sort of like  a “Friday Five”  or a “Life Lately” except it’s probably not Friday, and I gave up on the idea of a catchy alliteration. These are some bits and pieces of my glam #postgradlife. See past posts HERE} ********** 1. Hokie Country Man, I am tired. I was planning on getting this "So There's… Continue reading So There’s That Vol. 15

Agriculture, Career/Professional

Just Wing It: Ag Media Summit

Whether I'm working away on a magazine or hanging out with one of my ag comm friends, my roommates usually are a bit overwhelmed when they see in my "natural element." I don't think many would argue when I say we pack a lot of motivation, creativity and passion for what we do into just… Continue reading Just Wing It: Ag Media Summit