Music - What I'm Listening To

Friday Jam Session: British Artists

I am headed to London late next week for a long girls weekend with one of my college besties, Brandi, so I thought it would be fun to throw together a playlist that focused on British artists. Which, in hindsight, was a bit easier said than done. Other than The Beatles and The Rolling Stones,… Continue reading Friday Jam Session: British Artists

Music - What I'm Listening To

Friday Jam Session Vol. 16 – Guest Post

I love music. My taste is very diverse — continually being shaped by an unique combination of people, places and experiences. I never try to pawn myself off as someone who “knows music,” because I have too much respect for those who do. I did dance and took piano lessons growing up, but trust me, you do… Continue reading Friday Jam Session Vol. 16 – Guest Post

Music - What I'm Listening To

Friday Jam Session: Girl Power

So  I had lots of great ideas for this week's Friday Jam Session theme. I listened to a lot of different music, and seeing as I just started this bit last week, the possibilities are endless. But ultimately my ears were driven by one thing: Miranda Lambert FINALLY put out a video for her "Mama's… Continue reading Friday Jam Session: Girl Power