Family, Friendship, Oregon

#MeganFINALLYGoestoOregon Part 1: Hermiston

Last week I traveled home to Eastern Oregon for a long-awaited vacation and this time around I had a tag along join me. If you've read my blog before (or know me in real life), chances are you know or have at least heard about my best friend Megan. We met on the first day… Continue reading #MeganFINALLYGoestoOregon Part 1: Hermiston

Music - What I'm Listening To

Friday Jam Session: Fair and Rodeo

I started my week out in New York and I am finishing it back in {unusually} rainy Kansas. But this week my heart is far away from either of those places. It's currently back home at the Umatilla County Fair and Farm City Pro Rodeo. Sure, the county fair and rodeo is a good time… Continue reading Friday Jam Session: Fair and Rodeo