Love Letters

Love Letter: To My 18-Year-Old Self

Whenever my birthday rolls around, I always struggle with whether to do a blog post. I typically do a new year’s post and always decide that is enough. But last year I saw this letter to her 18-year-old self-reflecting on the last 10 years, by Design Darling, and knew that it was something I really… Continue reading Love Letter: To My 18-Year-Old Self

Family, Love Letters

Love Letter: Golden Anniversary

I talk about my Ego grandparents, known as Grampy and Grammy, every now and then on my blog, but I don't know if they have ever been properly introduced. My Grampy, Dave, is a retired high school counselor, principal and boy's basketball coach. He served in the Army, working in the psych ward in the… Continue reading Love Letter: Golden Anniversary

Love Letters

Love Letter: To My Planner

I laughed when I first thought about writing this post because it seemed a bit silly. And while it might indeed be, it was on my mind enough to go ahead with it. I should start out by saying that I am 100% Type A and super organized, which basically means that my planner is… Continue reading Love Letter: To My Planner

Family, Love Letters, Oregon

Love Letter: To My Family’s Flower Shop on its 30th Anniversary

When I was in high school, we hosted a young woman who was serving as an Oregon State FFA Officer at our house and she asked my Mom a lot of questions about our family-owned flower shop. To one of the questions, my Mom explained that outside of the holiday season, Valentine's Day and the… Continue reading Love Letter: To My Family’s Flower Shop on its 30th Anniversary

Love Letters

Love Letter: To Those With Hometown Roots and Wandering Souls

To those with hometown roots and wandering souls, this love letter is for you. It's been 8 years since I packed up my 18-year-old self and left Eastern Oregon for college in Kansas. And its been a little over 2.5 years since I packed up again and moved to Washington D.C. I was visiting home… Continue reading Love Letter: To Those With Hometown Roots and Wandering Souls

Family, Love Letters

Love Letter: Dear Sawyer June

Sawyer June Ego 7.13.17 at 2:09 p.m. 6 lbs 10 oz Dear Sawyer June, We've been waiting for you for a long time. No, not just these last 9 months, but 23-ish years to be exact. That's how long its been since there has been a new baby in this part of the family, so… Continue reading Love Letter: Dear Sawyer June

Kansas, Love Letters

A Love Letter to Manhattan, Kansas

There is one thing I remember from the second time I drove into Manhattan, Kansas. I remember quite a bit about the first time too, but at that point I was a high school senior, and even though I knew that this was where I wanted to go to college, it all seemed so surreal… Continue reading A Love Letter to Manhattan, Kansas