Family, Love Letters

Love Letter: Golden Anniversary

I talk about my Ego grandparents, known as Grampy and Grammy, every now and then on my blog, but I don't know if they have ever been properly introduced. My Grampy, Dave, is a retired high school counselor, principal and boy's basketball coach. He served in the Army, working in the psych ward in the… Continue reading Love Letter: Golden Anniversary

So There's That Series

So There’s That Vol. 13

{Sort of like  a “Friday Five”  or a “Life Lately” except it’s probably not Friday, and I gave up on the idea of a catchy alliteration. These are some bits and pieces of my glam #postgradlife. See past posts HERE} ********** I still haven't been really motivated to blog lately, but I realized yesterday that I… Continue reading So There’s That Vol. 13