Love Letters

Love Letter: To My 18-Year-Old Self

Whenever my birthday rolls around, I always struggle with whether to do a blog post. I typically do a new year’s post and always decide that is enough. But last year I saw this letter to her 18-year-old self-reflecting on the last 10 years, by Design Darling, and knew that it was something I really… Continue reading Love Letter: To My 18-Year-Old Self

Family, Love Letters

Love Letter: Golden Anniversary

I talk about my Ego grandparents, known as Grampy and Grammy, every now and then on my blog, but I don't know if they have ever been properly introduced. My Grampy, Dave, is a retired high school counselor, principal and boy's basketball coach. He served in the Army, working in the psych ward in the… Continue reading Love Letter: Golden Anniversary

Love Letters

Love Letter: To My Planner

I laughed when I first thought about writing this post because it seemed a bit silly. And while it might indeed be, it was on my mind enough to go ahead with it. I should start out by saying that I am 100% Type A and super organized, which basically means that my planner is… Continue reading Love Letter: To My Planner

Family, Love Letters, Oregon

Love Letter: To My Family’s Flower Shop on its 30th Anniversary

When I was in high school, we hosted a young woman who was serving as an Oregon State FFA Officer at our house and she asked my Mom a lot of questions about our family-owned flower shop. To one of the questions, my Mom explained that outside of the holiday season, Valentine's Day and the… Continue reading Love Letter: To My Family’s Flower Shop on its 30th Anniversary

Love Letters

Love Letter: To Those With Hometown Roots and Wandering Souls

To those with hometown roots and wandering souls, this love letter is for you. It's been 8 years since I packed up my 18-year-old self and left Eastern Oregon for college in Kansas. And its been a little over 2.5 years since I packed up again and moved to Washington D.C. I was visiting home… Continue reading Love Letter: To Those With Hometown Roots and Wandering Souls

Family, Love Letters

Love Letter: Dear Sawyer June

Sawyer June Ego 7.13.17 at 2:09 p.m. 6 lbs 10 oz Dear Sawyer June, We've been waiting for you for a long time. No, not just these last 9 months, but 23-ish years to be exact. That's how long its been since there has been a new baby in this part of the family, so… Continue reading Love Letter: Dear Sawyer June

Family, Love Letters

Love Letter: Ellie

To our beautiful "lead-butt", attention craving, fetch loving sweetheart and the best dog-cousin a girl could have. Ellie girl, I would argue with anyone that you were the sweetest, most gentle and loyal dog that I ever met and am likely to ever meet. You were a true "family" dog because for so much of… Continue reading Love Letter: Ellie

Family, Love Letters

Livin’ on Love for 25 Years

Today is my parent's 25th wedding anniversary. I'm living out here in D.C. and my sister is currently in Utah at a college golf tournament. It's the middle of the school week, so Dad was at work before the sun comes up and it's also Tuesday, so Mom might be prepping the weekly shipment of roses… Continue reading Livin’ on Love for 25 Years