Oregon, Photography, Thoughts and Lessons Learned

Just Living – Golden Hour on the Farm

"I am tired." If you've spoken to me at all in the last two months, my bet is that this was said early on in the conversation. Usually I try to stay away from default answers like "I'm tired" or "I'm busy" when I'm catching up with someone, because the reality is we are all… Continue reading Just Living – Golden Hour on the Farm

Family, Love Letters

Livin’ on Love for 25 Years

Today is my parent's 25th wedding anniversary. I'm living out here in D.C. and my sister is currently in Utah at a college golf tournament. It's the middle of the school week, so Dad was at work before the sun comes up and it's also Tuesday, so Mom might be prepping the weekly shipment of roses… Continue reading Livin’ on Love for 25 Years


A Spoo Kind of Love

Tomorrow people are either going to be full of sugar, rainbows and butterflies — or they are going to be hosting their own pity party. Then of course there are those people who will laugh it off because "it's not even a real holiday." My view on Valentine's Day is a little bit different though.… Continue reading A Spoo Kind of Love

Life Notes

#MonthofThanksgiving – Part 2

Presenting part numero dos of my "#MonthofThanksgiving." At first thinking of things that we are thankful for is pretty easy; mom, dad, friends, the dog and in my case, coffee. But I've found that I am really enjoying sitting for a few minutes each day and really thinking a little more in depth about things… Continue reading #MonthofThanksgiving – Part 2