So There's That Series

So There’s That Vol. 19

{Sort of like  a “Friday Five”  or a “Life Lately” except it’s probably not Friday, and I gave up on the idea of a catchy alliteration. These are some bits and pieces of my glam #postgradlife. See past posts HERE} ********** Once again it has been almost two months since my last So There's That post.… Continue reading So There’s That Vol. 19

So There's That Series

What’s Up Wednesday: October 2015

Oh hey, what’s up? This link up happens the last Wednesday of every month with the same list of questions and is hosted by The Larson Lingo, Mix & Match Family and Pinterest Told Me To. What I’m Eating This Month… October is National Pasta Month and the 25th was World Pasta Day. In addition to some editorial… Continue reading What’s Up Wednesday: October 2015

So There's That Series

So There’s That: Vol. 5

{Sort of like  a “Friday Five” except it’s probably not Friday and I gave up on the idea of a catchy alliteration. These are some bits and pieces of my glam #postgradlife.} 1. Thanksgiving Vacation in Oregon I surprised my family by coming home for Thanksgiving. I was able to stay for a whole week… Continue reading So There’s That: Vol. 5

Creativity and Organization

It’s In My Genes

A few weeks ago I spent my birthday weekend in Ellinwood, Kansas with my best friends Megan and Kyla. To pass the afternoon we visited a few adorable little antique shops where I found these treasures below. I knew immediately that I wanted to use the crock to hold a silk arrangement that I could change… Continue reading It’s In My Genes

Life Notes

#MonthofThanksgiving – Part 3

Wrapping up my #MonthofThanksgiving by sharing Part 3. Hope everyone had a wonderful month and got a chance to reflect back on a few of the things that they are thankful for. I'm glad that I did. Wishing everyone Happy Holidays, I am pretty excited to finally be on my home in just 12 days!… Continue reading #MonthofThanksgiving – Part 3

Life Notes

#MonthofThanksgiving – Part 2

Presenting part numero dos of my "#MonthofThanksgiving." At first thinking of things that we are thankful for is pretty easy; mom, dad, friends, the dog and in my case, coffee. But I've found that I am really enjoying sitting for a few minutes each day and really thinking a little more in depth about things… Continue reading #MonthofThanksgiving – Part 2

Life Notes

#MonthofThanksgiving – Part 1

And so my favorite holiday is upon us. For someone who is usually pretty against joining in on trends, this is one trend that I always look forward to participating in. So here's the start of my "Month of Thanksgiving" -- Twitter style. #Day1 I am thankful for my baby sister @JanciSpoo and our friendship that is growing… Continue reading #MonthofThanksgiving – Part 1