Music - What I'm Listening To

Friday Jam Session: Favorite Albums in 2017

I am SO EXCITED to bring back this series. Blogging is such a fun hobby for me and a way to both journal my life and exercise my writing skills outside of work, so in 2018 one of my goals is to blog more regularly. Friday Jam Sessions used to be some of my regular… Continue reading Friday Jam Session: Favorite Albums in 2017

Music - What I'm Listening To

Friday Jam Session: Sweet Summertime

I love summer. I posted a few weeks ago, a 'good stuff' list about 50 things I love about summer. One of those was that I love theĀ "fascination that country music has with singing about summer." It's romantic, care free and fun. There's a reason that authors and song writers alike, can pull so much… Continue reading Friday Jam Session: Sweet Summertime

Music - What I'm Listening To

Friday Jam Session: Spring Break

You know you are growing up when.... Your last spring break in college is certified: LAME, and you are totally ok with that. Don't get me wrong, I love vacations and getting out of town, and I did throw around a few ideas for a while, but when it came down to it I was… Continue reading Friday Jam Session: Spring Break

Music - What I'm Listening To

Friday Jam Session: Confessions of a Music Junkie

I was destined to be a music junkie. I born in the early 90's, the start of a new generation when music was continuing to evolve at a rapid pace. Growing up I listened to my dad's outlaw country driving around in the truck and caught bits and pieces of the remnants of my parent's… Continue reading Friday Jam Session: Confessions of a Music Junkie