Books and Reading

Book Review: February 2018

Well friends, I lied. I said in my January post that I was almost done with "All the Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr, and I was, but then I got distracted and started another two books. Which is unfortunate, because I don't want that to indicate that the book isn't good... these other… Continue reading Book Review: February 2018

Music - What I'm Listening To

Friday Jam Session: Motivation

This week's Jam Session is all about songs that motivate me, some that are upbeat that you can workout to and others that are slow and maybe more calming and uplifting. Both typically have positive messages. I've said a few times lately that my attitude just hasn't been the best and so music is definitely… Continue reading Friday Jam Session: Motivation

Music - What I'm Listening To

Friday Jam Session: Favorite Albums in 2017

I am SO EXCITED to bring back this series. Blogging is such a fun hobby for me and a way to both journal my life and exercise my writing skills outside of work, so in 2018 one of my goals is to blog more regularly. Friday Jam Sessions used to be some of my regular… Continue reading Friday Jam Session: Favorite Albums in 2017

Books and Reading

Book Review: January 2018

As a kid, my parents used to joke that for punishment they should take my books away because that would have been one of the few things that really would have made an impact. But they didn't thank goodness, and books became the first thing that really fueled my love for words, stories and their… Continue reading Book Review: January 2018

Creativity and Organization

My Favorite Phone Apps

Todays post ventures out a bit past what I usually blog about, but the blogs that are easily some of my favorite to read are ones that give me new ideas and things to try. So today I want to chat about apps for our phones! In a lot of ways I do miss the… Continue reading My Favorite Phone Apps